Skewed as a wild accusation cultivators, forest burning, which causes smog disasters addressed to indigenous peoples by governments and other parties, may be slightly reduced if the parties are willing to learn a lot about the local knowledge of indigenous peoples to manage nature.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Punan Dayak customary law books; between formalization and the nature of customary law
Long and tiring journey indigenous Dayak Punan Uheng-Kereho to document the customary rules, has water mark as the inaugural event of customary law books Drs.Yosep Punan by Alexander, vice-regent Kapuas Hulu in the village of Nanga ponder (4/12/07).
Punan Indigenous peoples should be proud of the inaugural, because communities were resettled around the 1970's in the Nanga Erak This is a sub tribe Dayak own lifestyle Nomad and highly dependent on their supermarket which is forest.
Punan Indigenous peoples should be proud of the inaugural, because communities were resettled around the 1970's in the Nanga Erak This is a sub tribe Dayak own lifestyle Nomad and highly dependent on their supermarket which is forest.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Origin of name Kalimantan
a little review about the origin of Borneo, this story I got from my grandfather in the village. He often told me there are lots of stories but for now I write about the origin of kalimantan.
Dayak people have their own perspective on the history of the island, which was revealed in the oral tradition of the so-called breast Tatum. Breast Tatum is one of the Dayak indigenous literature, which means true tears wailed. Tatum breast sung songs and very popular with the ancestors of the Dayaks of Kalimantan, where it tells the state since the time of the marine, the era of the gods, about the war, genealogy, and others.While Borneo itself has a meaning:
- Kali = river, Ex = large (former Dayak language sangen meaning large), which ultimately means the island of Borneo which has a large river.
- Kalimantan = name compatriots acid fruit tree that is widely available in Borneo.
- Borneo from Brunei who was once called by the name Burnei so that eventually became Borneo.
In implementing the indigenous Dayak tribes, there are two streams, namely:
1. Tersilah to worldliness
Customary law is applicable in criminal cases, ethics and social communities.Customary law also adjudicate cases relating to the community for example: the problem of property, inheritance, marriage, divorce, the provisions of the heirs, the problem of children in divorce, property continence, the rights to land.
2.Tersilah to Religion
Customary Law of Religious tersilah to punish anyone who has been insulting and defamatory matters relating to public confidence, for example: grave damage, damage pahewan, destructive joint plot, plot Pali damage, destroying the Indus, destroying stumbled, breaking the traditional Pali village while holds rutas, violate customary land when memalas Pali, Pali violate customary place of birth, violate customary Pali during treatment of the sick, damaging pangantoho (small house where the idol), plague berjinah with relatives, plague berjinah with mother / father, plague berjinah with cousin, damage Pantar.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Inspired and derived from the book "Identity Dayak And Indonesia's Struggle: Learning from Tjilik Riwut" Galangpress Publishers, April 2006.
Betang house is a typical traditional house Kalimantan contained in various parts of Kalimantan, especially in upstream areas which usually becomes the center of the Dayak tribe settlements, where the river is the main transportation routes for the Dayak tribe to perform a variety of mobility everyday life like going to work to the fields whereDayak tribe fields are usually far from residential areas, or perform commercial activities (the ancient Dayak tribe usually trade using the barter system of mutual exchange with the fields, gardens and livestock).
Great shape and this betang house varies in different places. There betang house which reach lengths up to 150 meters and 30 meters wide. Generally betang house built in the form of a stage with a height of three to five feet from the ground. The high building this betang I expect to avoid flooding in the rainy season that threatened areas in the upstream river in Borneo. Some housing units could have a house betang more than one depending on the size of the household members of such residential community.Each household (family) occupies the chamber (room) that the barriers of a large house betang, along with the Dayak tribe in general also have single houses built temporarily to perform the activity fields, and this is because away distance between fields with the settlements.
Betang house is a typical traditional house Kalimantan contained in various parts of Kalimantan, especially in upstream areas which usually becomes the center of the Dayak tribe settlements, where the river is the main transportation routes for the Dayak tribe to perform a variety of mobility everyday life like going to work to the fields whereDayak tribe fields are usually far from residential areas, or perform commercial activities (the ancient Dayak tribe usually trade using the barter system of mutual exchange with the fields, gardens and livestock).
Great shape and this betang house varies in different places. There betang house which reach lengths up to 150 meters and 30 meters wide. Generally betang house built in the form of a stage with a height of three to five feet from the ground. The high building this betang I expect to avoid flooding in the rainy season that threatened areas in the upstream river in Borneo. Some housing units could have a house betang more than one depending on the size of the household members of such residential community.Each household (family) occupies the chamber (room) that the barriers of a large house betang, along with the Dayak tribe in general also have single houses built temporarily to perform the activity fields, and this is because away distance between fields with the settlements.
22 May to 24 July 1894
Council of the Great Fall in the Village of Huron Anoi Anoi Kahayan Ulu in Central Kalimantan. Customary chiefs as kalimantan gathered and agreed to stop the "headhunting" between the Dayaks. Deliberation is witnessed by the Dutch colonial government.
Council of the Great Fall in the Village of Huron Anoi Anoi Kahayan Ulu in Central Kalimantan. Customary chiefs as kalimantan gathered and agreed to stop the "headhunting" between the Dayaks. Deliberation is witnessed by the Dutch colonial government.
Standing Sarikat Dayak in Central Kalimantan. Its founder M. Lampe, Ray Philips, Haji Abdul Gani, Sian L. Thursday, Tamanggung Toendan, Ahmad Anwar, Hausman Baboe and Mohamad Norman.
Sarikat converted into Pakat Dayak Dayak. The head office moved to the South.Chairman generally mister Mahir Mahar
May 13, 1944
Declaration of the Armed Forces Majang Village. From April to August 1944, of the battle known as the War in Embuan Kunyil Madjang Village, Kec. Meliau Kab. Sanggau.Chief founder Bath / Pang Dandan, Menera Suma aka Pang, Augustine Weigh, et al
13 November 1958
First Session of Parliament which establishes three candidates Kalbar Regional Head of the YC Oevang Oeray (PD), Musani A. Rani (Masyumi) and Lumban Tobing (PNI).Through Presidential Decree No. 59 of 1959, Oevang Oeray designated as Level I Head of the Autonomous Region of West Kalimantan. After the Presidential Decree of July 5, 1959, issued Penpres No.6/1959 on Form, Structure, Duties and Powers of Local Government.
14 November 1959
Session DPRD Tk I Kalbar, Oevang Oeray successfully elected as Governor of West Kalimantan KDH Tk.I passed by Presidential Decree No.465/1959, dated December 24, 1959 for the period 1 January 1960-12 July 1966.
July 5, 1959
Presidential Decree, which declared the dissolution of the Constituent and apply again UUD'45. President Soekarno unilaterally decree July 5, 1959-Mutual Cooperation form the House of Representatives (DPR-GR) and MPR While (MPRS), which all members shall be appointed president.
June 4, 1960
President dissolved Parliament after the 1955 election results before the legislative council was rejected draft budget proposed by the government.
First Session of Parliament which establishes three candidates Kalbar Regional Head of the YC Oevang Oeray (PD), Musani A. Rani (Masyumi) and Lumban Tobing (PNI).Through Presidential Decree No. 59 of 1959, Oevang Oeray designated as Level I Head of the Autonomous Region of West Kalimantan. After the Presidential Decree of July 5, 1959, issued Penpres No.6/1959 on Form, Structure, Duties and Powers of Local Government.
14 November 1959
Session DPRD Tk I Kalbar, Oevang Oeray successfully elected as Governor of West Kalimantan KDH Tk.I passed by Presidential Decree No.465/1959, dated December 24, 1959 for the period 1 January 1960-12 July 1966.
July 5, 1959
Presidential Decree, which declared the dissolution of the Constituent and apply again UUD'45. President Soekarno unilaterally decree July 5, 1959-Mutual Cooperation form the House of Representatives (DPR-GR) and MPR While (MPRS), which all members shall be appointed president.
June 4, 1960
President dissolved Parliament after the 1955 election results before the legislative council was rejected draft budget proposed by the government.
February 5, 1999
Regent Selection of Pontiac, Drs. Cornelius Kimha, M. Si became regent second Dayak in West Kalimantan. Combustion occurs Parliament Building Mempawah by thousands masses were disappointed that its candidate (Drs. Cornelis, Head Menyuke, now governor of West Kalimantan) are not accommodated political parties in parliament
There were riots between ethnic Malay-Dayak and Madurese in Sambas District, widespread in the District and City Bengkayang Singkawang.
December 5, 1999
Deliberation of the Family Institute of Islamic Dayak (IKDI) at the Auditorium of the University of Muhammadiyah of West Kalimantan Pontianak. The organization is chaired by Drs. Husni Amanullah.
The selection of MPR-RI Kalbar Regional Representatives, in the election, demanding the balance of 2:2:1 Dayak (2 Dayak, 2 Malays and 1 Chinese), but the struggle is grounded and thousands of mass action Dayak rewarded with physical attacks by the military and police against the masses tried to set fire to the Parliament Building West Kalimantan Province. Several people were injured masses.
Drs. Luna was selected as plt Yacobus Bengkayang Regent, Regent fourth Dayak in West Kalimantan. Expansion Sambas regency. In Regent Selection Bengkayang, Yacobus Luna successfully elected for the period 2000-2005.
Failed in the 1998 election Pontianak Regent, Drs Cornelis, was elected as the District Hedgehogs, Regent fifth Dayak in West Kalimantan. Expansion of Pontianak regency in 2000. Hedgehogs in the selection of the Regent, Drs Cornelis successfully elected as bu [ati period 2001-2006.
Regent Selection of Pontiac, Drs. Cornelius Kimha, M. Si became regent second Dayak in West Kalimantan. Combustion occurs Parliament Building Mempawah by thousands masses were disappointed that its candidate (Drs. Cornelis, Head Menyuke, now governor of West Kalimantan) are not accommodated political parties in parliament
There were riots between ethnic Malay-Dayak and Madurese in Sambas District, widespread in the District and City Bengkayang Singkawang.
December 5, 1999
Deliberation of the Family Institute of Islamic Dayak (IKDI) at the Auditorium of the University of Muhammadiyah of West Kalimantan Pontianak. The organization is chaired by Drs. Husni Amanullah.
The selection of MPR-RI Kalbar Regional Representatives, in the election, demanding the balance of 2:2:1 Dayak (2 Dayak, 2 Malays and 1 Chinese), but the struggle is grounded and thousands of mass action Dayak rewarded with physical attacks by the military and police against the masses tried to set fire to the Parliament Building West Kalimantan Province. Several people were injured masses.
Drs. Luna was selected as plt Yacobus Bengkayang Regent, Regent fourth Dayak in West Kalimantan. Expansion Sambas regency. In Regent Selection Bengkayang, Yacobus Luna successfully elected for the period 2000-2005.
Failed in the 1998 election Pontianak Regent, Drs Cornelis, was elected as the District Hedgehogs, Regent fifth Dayak in West Kalimantan. Expansion of Pontianak regency in 2000. Hedgehogs in the selection of the Regent, Drs Cornelis successfully elected as bu [ati period 2001-2006.
Post-Election 2004, the Regional Head Election system changed to direct election by the People (ELECTION) under Law No. 32 of 2004 and Government Regulation No. 6 / 2005. Terms of candidates is carried by the Political Party or Political Party Combined with the sound of at least 15%
July 26, 2005
The movement officially stood Scholars Dayak (PCD) Kalbar as an alternative container Dayak political struggle. PCD aspires to gather all the resources locally, nationally and internationally for the Advancement and Political Struggle in the Kalimantan Dayaks. Ir characters. Kristianus Atok, Ir. Dominic Baen, Surianata S. Pd, Drs. Stephen Buan, John Supriyadi, SE, Augustine, S. Pd, Mikael, SH, Frans Ateng, SE, Plate, S. Pd, etc.
Post-Election 2004, the Regional Head Election system changed to direct election by the People (ELECTION) under Law No. 32 of 2004 and Government Regulation No. 6 / 2005. Terms of candidates is carried by the Political Party or Political Party Combined with the sound of at least 15%
July 26, 2005
The movement officially stood Scholars Dayak (PCD) Kalbar as an alternative container Dayak political struggle. PCD aspires to gather all the resources locally, nationally and internationally for the Advancement and Political Struggle in the Kalimantan Dayaks. Ir characters. Kristianus Atok, Ir. Dominic Baen, Surianata S. Pd, Drs. Stephen Buan, John Supriyadi, SE, Augustine, S. Pd, Mikael, SH, Frans Ateng, SE, Plate, S. Pd, etc.
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