22 May to 24 July 1894
Council of the Great Fall in the Village of Huron Anoi Anoi Kahayan Ulu in Central Kalimantan. Customary chiefs as kalimantan gathered and agreed to stop the "headhunting" between the Dayaks. Deliberation is witnessed by the Dutch colonial government.
Council of the Great Fall in the Village of Huron Anoi Anoi Kahayan Ulu in Central Kalimantan. Customary chiefs as kalimantan gathered and agreed to stop the "headhunting" between the Dayaks. Deliberation is witnessed by the Dutch colonial government.
Standing Sarikat Dayak in Central Kalimantan. Its founder M. Lampe, Ray Philips, Haji Abdul Gani, Sian L. Thursday, Tamanggung Toendan, Ahmad Anwar, Hausman Baboe and Mohamad Norman.
Sarikat converted into Pakat Dayak Dayak. The head office moved to the South.Chairman generally mister Mahir Mahar
May 13, 1944
Declaration of the Armed Forces Majang Village. From April to August 1944, of the battle known as the War in Embuan Kunyil Madjang Village, Kec. Meliau Kab. Sanggau.Chief founder Bath / Pang Dandan, Menera Suma aka Pang, Augustine Weigh, et al
October 30, 1945
Standing Power In Action (DIA) in Putussibau Kapuas Hulu in West Kalimantan, was established by the FC. Palaoensoeka, et al moderators with the priest Father Adikarjana, SJ.
1 November 1945
HE changed to Power Unity Party (PD). The head office moved to Pontianak. His characters include Oevaang, AF Korak, Lim Meng Bak, Tio Kiang Sun, HM Sauk, FC Palaoensoeka.
Standing Power In Action (DIA) in Putussibau Kapuas Hulu in West Kalimantan, was established by the FC. Palaoensoeka, et al moderators with the priest Father Adikarjana, SJ.
1 November 1945
HE changed to Power Unity Party (PD). The head office moved to Pontianak. His characters include Oevaang, AF Korak, Lim Meng Bak, Tio Kiang Sun, HM Sauk, FC Palaoensoeka.
October 1946 NICA West Kalimantan to establish a Council consisting of representatives from 40 ethnic groups, government officials and one member from each of the newly inaugurated keswaprajaan back. Lieutenant Governor of Van Mook seem to use this board as a springboard to create their own state in West Kalimantan as he had done for the state of East Indonesia in Indonesia in terms of establishing Country of States (federation)
May 12, 1947
Residency was changed to the Special Region of West Kalimantan, West Kalimantan.DIKB Through this, the managers of the PD (Oevaang, AF Korak, Lim Meng Bak, Tio Kiang Sun, HM Sauk) was appointed as a member of a government body daily (Dagelijhk Bertuur) Special Region of West Kalimantan.
13-15 July 1950
After the First World Congress of West Kalimantan in Sanggau. Chairman of the First World War: FC Palaoensoeka. In his effort to correct the mistakes Colonial, PD launched a program (and creed) of self-empowerment: "your fate lies in yourselves" (your fate lies in your efforts.)
May 12, 1947
Residency was changed to the Special Region of West Kalimantan, West Kalimantan.DIKB Through this, the managers of the PD (Oevaang, AF Korak, Lim Meng Bak, Tio Kiang Sun, HM Sauk) was appointed as a member of a government body daily (Dagelijhk Bertuur) Special Region of West Kalimantan.
13-15 July 1950
After the First World Congress of West Kalimantan in Sanggau. Chairman of the First World War: FC Palaoensoeka. In his effort to correct the mistakes Colonial, PD launched a program (and creed) of self-empowerment: "your fate lies in yourselves" (your fate lies in your efforts.)
29 September 1955
Election for members of the House of Representatives (DPR). Unity Power (PD) received 146,054 votes or 0.39%, and is entitled to a seat House of Representatives.
December 15, 1955
ELECTION member Constituent Assembly. Unity Power (PD) received 169,222 votes or 0.45%, and is entitled to 3 seats in the Constituent Assembly.
March 1, 1956
Announcement of Election Results 1955. The following election results 1955 in West Kalimantan: Dayak Unity 12 seats, 9 seats Masyumi, PNI 4 chairs, NU 2 chairs, IPKI 1 chair, 1 chair and PKI PSI 1 chair. Total seats available 30 seats.
January 1, 1957
West Kalimantan Province was formed under Law No. 25 of 1956. Governors First is the AP. Afllus, DA Yudadibrata following the 1957-1958 period in the period 1958-1959.
Election for members of the House of Representatives (DPR). Unity Power (PD) received 146,054 votes or 0.39%, and is entitled to a seat House of Representatives.
December 15, 1955
ELECTION member Constituent Assembly. Unity Power (PD) received 169,222 votes or 0.45%, and is entitled to 3 seats in the Constituent Assembly.
March 1, 1956
Announcement of Election Results 1955. The following election results 1955 in West Kalimantan: Dayak Unity 12 seats, 9 seats Masyumi, PNI 4 chairs, NU 2 chairs, IPKI 1 chair, 1 chair and PKI PSI 1 chair. Total seats available 30 seats.
January 1, 1957
West Kalimantan Province was formed under Law No. 25 of 1956. Governors First is the AP. Afllus, DA Yudadibrata following the 1957-1958 period in the period 1958-1959.
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